The list may be extended when you send us pdf of your article based on CLO-PLA database!
Herben T., Suda J., Klimešová J. Polyploid species rely on vegetative reproduction more than diploids: a re-examination of the old hypothesis. Annals of Botany, in press
Klimešová J, Herben T, Martínková J. Disturbance is an important factor in the evolution and distribution of root-sprouting species. Evolutionary Ecology, in press
Bartušková A., Malíková L, Klimešová J Check-list of root-sprouters in the Czech flora: mapping the gaps in our knowledge. Folia Geobotanica, in press
Filartiga AL, Klimešová J, Appezzato-da-Glória B. Underground organs of Brazilian Asteraceae: testing CLO-PLA database traits. Folia Geobotanica, in press
Herben T., Tackenberg O., Klimešová J. 2016. Reproduction by seed and clonality in plants: correlated syndromes or independent strategies? Journal of Ecology 104: 1696–1706
Klimešová J, Nobis MP, Herben T. 2016. Links between shoot and plant longevity and plant economics spectrum: environmental and demographic implications. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 22: 55-62.
Klimešová J, Tackenberg O, Herben T. 2016. Herbs are different: clonal and bud bank traits can matter more than leaf–height–seed traits. New Phytologist 210: 13-17.
Pyšek P, Manceur AM, Alba C, McGregor K, Pergl J, Štajerová K, Chytrý M, Danihelka J, Kartesz J, Klimešová J, Lučanová M, Moravcová L, Nishino M, Sádlo J, Suda J, Tichý L, Kühn I. 2015. Naturalization of central European plant species in North America: disentangling the roles of species traits, habitat legacy, propagule pressure and residence time. Ecology 96: 762–774.
Herben T, Šerá B, Klimešová J. 2015. Clonal growth and sexual reproduction: tradeoffs and environmental constraints. Oikos 124: 469–476.
Klimešová J, Nobis MP, Herben T. 2015. Senescence, ageing and death of the whole plant: Morphological prerequisites and constraints of plant immortality. New Phytologist, 206:14-18.
Klimešová J., Herben T. 2015. Clonal and bud bank traits: patterns across temperate plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 243-253.
Herben T, Nováková Z, Klimešová J. 2014. Clonal growth and plant species abundance. Annals of Botany 114: 377-388
Herben T., Nováková Z., Klimešová J. 2013. Comparing functional diversity in traits and demography of Central European vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 910-920.
Klimešová J, Doležal J, Prach K, Košnar J. 2012. Clonal growth forms in Arctic plants and their habitat preferences: a study from Petuniabukta, Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 33:421-442.
Herben T, Suda J, Klimešová J, Mihulka S, Říha P, Šímová I. 2012. Ecological effects of cell-level processes: genome size, functional traits and regional abundance of herbaceous plant species. Annals of Botany 110: 1357-1367.
Herben T., Nováková Z., Klimešová J., Hrouda L. 2012. Species traits and plant performance: functional tradeoffs in a large set of species in a botanical garden. Journal of Ecology, 100: 1522-1533.
Horník J., Janeček Š., Klimešová J., Doležal J., Janečková P., Jiráská Š., Lanta V. 2012. Species-area curves revisited: the effects of model choice on parameter sensitivity to environmental, community and individual plant characteristics. Plant Ecology, 213: 1675-1686
Klimešová J., Doležal J. 2011. Are clonal plants more frequent in cold environments than elsewhere? Plant Ecology and Diversity, 4: 373-378.
Sosnová M., van Diggelen R., Macek P., Klimešová J. (2011) Distribution of clonal growth traits among wetland habitats. Aquatic Botany 95: 88-93
Klimešová J., Doležal J. Sammul M. 2011. Evolutionary and organismic constraints on the relationship between spacer length and environmental conditions in clonal plants. Oikos 120: 1110-1120.
Latzel V., Klimešová J., Doležal J., Pyšek P., Tackenberg O., Prach K. 2011. The Association of dispersal and persistence traits of plants with different stages of succession in central European man-made habitats. Folia Geobotanica, 46: 289-302.
Martínková J., Klimeš L., Klimešová J. 2011. Multiple regenerative strategies of short-lived species: an effect on geographical distribution, preference of human-made habitats and invasive status. Folia Geobotanica 46: 181-189
Rusch G.M., Wilmann B., Klimešová J., Evju M. 2011. Do clonal and bud bank traits vary in correspondence with soil properties and resource acquisition strategies? Patterns in alpine communities in the Scandian mountains. Folia Geobotanica, 46: 237-254.
Sosnová M., van Diggelen R., Klimešová J. (2010) Distribution of clonal growth forms in wetlands. Aquatic Botany 92: 33-39. (pdf)
Latzel V., Dospělová L. and Klimešová J. (2009) Annuals sprouting adventitiously from the hypocotyl: their compensatory growth and implications for weed management. Biológia 64: 923-929. (pdf)
Klimešová J. & de Bello F. (2009) CLO-PLA: the database of clonal and bud bank traits of Central European flora. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 511-516. (pdf)
Kleyer, M., Bekker, R.M., Knevel, I.C., Bakker, J.P, Thompson, K., Sonnenschein, M., Poschlod, P., Van Groenendael, J.M., Klimeš, L., Klimešová, J., Klotz, S., Rusch, G.M., Hermy, M., Adriaens, D., Boedeltje, G., Bossuyt, B., Dannemann, A., Endels, P., Götzenberger, L., Hodgson, J.G., Jackel, A-K., Kühn, I., Kunzmann, D., Ozinga, W.A., Römermann, C., Stadler, M., Schlegelmilch, J., Steendam, H.J., Tackenberg, O., Wilmann, B., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Eriksson, O., Garnier, E., Peco, B. (2008) The LEDA Traitbase: A database of life-history traits of Northwest European flora. Journal of Ecology. (pdf)
Klimešová J. et Klimeš L. (2008) Clonal growth diversity and bud banks in the Czech flora: an evaluation using the CLO-PLA3 database. Preslia 80: 255-275. (pdf)
Klimešová J., Latzel V., de Bello F., van Groenendael J.M. (2008) Plant functional traits in studies of vegetation changes under grazing and mowing: towards a use of more specific traits. Preslia 80: 245-253. (pdf)
Latzel V., Mihulka S., Klimešová J. (2008) Plant traits and regeneration of urban plant community after disturbance: Does bud bank play any role? Journal of Applied Vegetation Sciences 11: 387-394. (pdf)
Klimešová J., Kociánová A. et Martínková J. (2008) Weeds that can do both tricks: vegetative versus generative regeneration of short-lived root-sprouting herbs Rorippa palustris and Barbarea vulgaris. Weed Research 48: 131-135. (pdf)
Šmilauerová M. & Šmilauer P. (2007) What youngsters say about adults: seedling roots reflect clonal traits of adult plants. J. Ecol. 95: 406-413. (pdf)
Klimešová J., Klimeš L. (2007) Bud banks and their role in vegetative regeneration – a literature review and proposal for simple classification and assessment. Perspect. Plant Ecol. 8:115-129. (pdf)
Klimešová J. (2007) Root-sprouting in myco-heterotrophic plants: prepackaged symbioses or overcoming meristem limitation? - New Phytologist 173: 8-10. (pdf)
Klimešová J. (2006) Jak se stonky dostávají pod zem. - Živa 2006/6: 249-251. (pdf)
Klimešová J. & Klimeš L. (2005): CLO-PLA: databáze architektury klonálního růstu rostlin střední Evropy (CLO-PLA: a database of clonal growth architecture of Central-European plants). - Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ., Praha, 40 Mater. 20: 53-64. (pdf)
Klimeš L. & Klimešová J (2005): Clonal traits. - In: Knevel I.C., Bekker R.M., Kunzmann D., Stadler M. & Thompson K. [eds.] The Leda traitbase collecting and measuring standards of life-history traits of the Northwest European flora. - LEDA Traitbase project, University of Groningen, Community and Consetvation Ecology group, pp. 66-88. (pdf)
Klimešová J. & Martínková J. (2004) Intermediate growth forms as a model for the study of plant clonality functioning: an example with root sprouters. - Evolutionary Ecology 18: 669-681. (pdf)
Klimeš L. & Klimešová J. (2000): Plant rarity and the type of clonal growth. - Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz, 9: 43-52. (pdf)
Klimeš L. & Klimešová J. (1999): CLO-PLA2 - A database of clonal plants in central Europe. Plant Ecology, 141: 9-19. (pdf)
Klimeš L., Klimešová J., Hendriks R. & van Groenendael J. (1997): Clonal plant architecture: a comparative analysis of form and function. - In: H. de Kroon et J. van Groenendael [eds.]: The ecology and evolution of clonal plants. - Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlantds, p 1 - 29. (pdf)
van Groenendael J.M., Klimeš L., Klimešová J. & Hendriks R.J.J. (1996): Comparative ecology of clonal plants. - Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. B, 351: 1331-1339. (pdf)
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